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Child Protection Policy

Templederry N.S. aims to provide its pupils with the highest possible standard of care in order to promote their well-being and protect them from harm. School personnel are especially well placed to observe changes in behaviour, failure to develop or outward signs of abuse in children.

The Board of Management recognises that child protection and welfare considerations permeate all aspects of school life and must be reflected in all school policies, practices and activities. Accordingly in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Education and Skills Child Protection Procedures the Board of Management of Templederry N.S. has agreed the following Child Protection Policy.

  1.  The Board of Management has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools as part of this overall child protection policy. (September 2011)
  2. The Board nominates the Principal, Mrs. Russell as the designated liaison person (DLP) to act as a liaison with outside agencies such as Health Board and as a resource person to any staff having child protection concerns.
  3.  In the absence of the Principal, Mrs. Carey will act as Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP).
  4.  In its policies, practices and activities, Templederry NS will adhere to the following principles of best practice in child protection and welfare:
  •  recognise that the protection and welfare of children is of paramount importance, regardless of all other considerations;
  • fully co-operate with the relevant statutory authorities in relation to child protection and welfare matters.
  • adopt safe practices to minimise the possibility of harm or accidents happening to children and protect workers from the necessity to take unnecessary risks that may leave themselves open to accusations of abuse or neglect;
  • develop a practice of openness with parents and encourage parental involvement in the education of their children; and
  • fully respect confidentiality requirements in dealing with child protection matters.

The school will also adhere to the above principles in relation to  any adult / pupil with a special vulnerability.

5. The following school policies, practices and activities are particularly relevant to child protection in our school.

  • Code of Behaviour
  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Pupil attendance
  • Supervision arrangements
  • Safety Statement
  • R.S.E.
  • Sporting Activity Arrangements
  • Policy on School Tours
  • Work Experience
  • S.P.H.E. “Safety & Protection”

6. The Board will ensure that appropriate and on-going training as necessary will be available for staff.

7. The Board fully endorses current arrangements for the vetting of teaching and non-teaching staff.

8. The Board will ensure that all school staff, teaching and non-teaching are aware of their obligations under the guidelines detailed in Children First 2011 and the procedures to be followed in the event of concern.

9. The Board recognises that it has two duties of care. The primary duty is the protection, safety and welfare of the children. The Board as an employer also has duties and responsibilities towards its employees.

10. As an employer, the Board will seek legal advice if an allegation of abuse is made against a school employee.

11. The Board will adhere to the protocol outlined in Children First.

12. The Board believes that the academic, personal and social development of children flourishes in a culture where good relationships are encouraged, people feel valued and respected and appropriate support is available for those in difficulty.

13. The Board is committed to the maintenance of the environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to express themselves and are listened to. All children in the school will be made aware that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.  In addition, opportunities will be included in the curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to keep them safe.

14. Parents are made aware the school has a Child Protection Policy.

15. This policy statement and “Children First” will be available for viewing at the school.

16. This policy statement regarding Child Protection at Templederry N.S. applies to all staff, members of the Board of Management, volunteers and contractors working in the school.

17. This policy will be reviewed by the Board of Management once every school year.

Introductory Statement:

The staff, and management of Templederry N.S. have developed and agreed this policy in line with the current recommendations and guidelines relating to child abuse prevention and child protection guidelines.

This policy addresses the responsibilities of the school in the following areas:-

a) Prevention      – curriculum provision

b) Procedures     – procedures for dealing with concerns/disclosures

c) Practice         – best practice in child protection.

It is incumbent on all staff to familiarise themselves with “Children First” and the DES child protection guidelines and procedures.


This policy aims to

  • Create a safe, trusting, responsive and caring environment
  • Provide a personal safety skills education which specifically addresses abuse prevention for all children in the school.
  • Develop awareness and responsibility in the area of child protection amongst the whole school community.
  • Put in place procedures for good practice to protect all children and staff.
  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of and familiar with the “Children First” and the DES guidelines and procedures in relation to reporting concerns and /or disclosures of child abuse.
  • Provide for ongoing training in this and related areas for all school staff.


The Stay Safe programme is the primary resource used in this school to provide education for children on abuse prevention. The programme is taught as part of the schools’ SPHE curriculum under the strand unit Safety and Protection (Personal Safety).  Sensitive issues are covered by the Schools RSE policy.

On enrolment of their child, parents will be informed of the Stay Safe / RSE programme in use in the school .

The formal lessons of the programme will be taught in their entirety every year .

Staff will make every effort to ensure that the messages of the programme are reinforced whenever possible.


All staff in this school will follow the recommendations for reporting concerns or disclosures as outlined in ‘Children First’ and the Department of Education and Science document, ‘Child Protection, Guidelines and Procedures’.

The Board of Management of this school has appointed

  1. B. Boyle   ………… as the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and
  2. M. Carey     …………. as the Deputy DLP.

(The DES guidelines recommend the appointment of the principal and another senior staff member as DLP)

In our school we have identified the following as areas of specific concern in relation to child protection and have agreed that the following practices will be adopted:

Physical contact:

This is kept to a minimum and is only used when necessary ex. to assist a child or to avert danger.

Visitors/Guest Speakers/ Coaching:

Class teacher will be present at all times.

One to One Teaching:

When support teachers are working one to one with a child it is in a room with glass in the door  and both are visible. Alternatively the door is left open.

Toileting Accidents:

In the event of a pupil experiencing a toileting accident:

  • Parents will be notified and given the option of collecting the child or allowing the teacher follow school procedure.
  • A supply of clean underwear and spare track suit pants are kept in the school.
  • The pupil will be offered fresh clothing to clean and change themselves.
  • If for any reason, the child is unable to clean or change themselves, an older brother or sister may help.
  • If a situation arises where a teacher has to assist a child, two members of staff will attend.
  • A record of the incident should be kept.

Children with specific toileting/intimate care needs.

If a child with such needs, is enrolled at the school – a meeting will be held with the parents and the specific care needs of the child and how the school will meet them, will be clarified.

Changing for Games /PE.

Children from 1st class upwards change.  Boys and girls use their respective cloakrooms. Teacher is present outside cloakroom  area.


Children attend Nenagh Swimming Pool for swimming lessons for 6 weeks. We comply with the changing facilities there. A minimum of  two teachers accompany the children.

Internet Use/Photos:

  • The school has an acceptable use Policy.
  • On enrolment, parental permission is sought for school photographs , recordings and the website.
  • Photos displayed never identify individual pupils.
  • The school is not responsible for photos / recordings taken by others at school events.
  • The Board Of Management does not condone the retransmission of school related photos or content through any social media platform.

While every effort will be made to adhere to best practice as agreed and outlined above, in the event of an emergency where this is not possible or practicable a full record of the incident should be made and reported to the principal and parents.

Links to other policy / planning areas:

SPHE curriculum, Strand Unit on ‘Safety and Protection’,

  • The school Code of  Behaviour.
  • Anti – Bullying  Policy
  • R.S.E. programme.
  • Supervision policy
  • Health and Safety Statement.
  • Garda Vetting Policy.
  • Teacher’s Absence.

Review and Monitoring

This policy will be monitored and reviewed by the Board of Management on an annual basis and when the need arises. Staff will be requested on a regular basis to review the school policy in this area and every effort will be made to ensure that the attention of all new staff is drawn to the school child protection policy. The Board of Management will ensure that adequate training and support is provided for all staff.

Policy reviewed and  adopted by the BOM on   27 / 9 /2016.